Saturday, November 18, 2006

Pricing Artwork

Wil, in his comment in the previous entry, brings up a simple and complex issue: pricing my artwork so that I actually could perhaps sell it. Mr. Anxiety, as you can see here, is not reacting too well to this challenge! But I had thought about it myself already. Anyway, thanks Wil, the point is well-taken.

I have to think more about this. I know that there are fears: about putting a price on things and not getting any offers, on how to deal with logistics (online) if I do get an offer, etc.

And then, a deeper fear of having to say goodbye to my babies............................


Blogger Morgan Fox Studio said...

hi albert,
this is an awesome idea & i wish you the best of luck with it.

i started a website that was supposed to be for varied occult pieces done by varied artists but had a horrible time getting it off the it's just kind of hangin' out right now.

i'm so excited that you're doing this. there's so much to learn in this process :)

i'm dying to see how it goes my friend. i have a feeling once people realize that it's here, you'll get some great responses. and btw...DON'T UNDERPRICE YOURSELF!!!!

giant hugs
star (a/k/a patti)

4:00 AM  
Blogger Wil said...

Yes, my friend, Mr. Anxiety seems a mite jangled at the thought of departing your demesnes anytime soon.

And I echo Star, in regards to not selling yourself short by under-pricing your work. It takes time, materials, tears and sweat to create your pictures. Do them justice by framing them well, and photographing them well and merchandising them well.

Understand clearly that the internet isn't the only venue to offer them if you wish to succeed. Indeed, it is the most minor source of sales, but it'll keep your name and face before the public. Continue with including us in your life, your trials and tribulations and folks will begin buying with an eye towards posterity.

Tells us why Mr. Anxiety bubbled up from your creative well. Tells us how you feel about the picture. Do tell why you are conflicted about selling it.

It'll come, slowly but surely. Connect with your target market and let them know why and how they are valuable to you. Get a showing at a local gallery. Start selling some art at street fairs, or juried art shows, or whatever gets your stuff in front of the art-buying public's eye.

It's all a game and you, above many, know how to play the game.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Writeprocrastinator said...


Set up a Paypal account just as you would with an eBay account.

6:27 PM  

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